Ping Ripped Thermogenic Pre-Workout - Tiki Punch (HARD)
Product is HARD. (So more difficult to use than a regular product) - As the contents have gone solid.
After powering tens of millions of kiwi workouts, we know what kiwis want to fuel their goals! We’ve taken our classic PING formula and ramped it up with ingredients known for their effectiveness in supporting an elevated metabolic rate and increase in your body’s ability to burn fat fast. The result is a formula that will give you not only the ultimate PING but also help you to BURN, for your best performance and fastest fat destroying results yet. PING RIPPED is designed for:
FOCUS: Make your workout focus LASER SHARP. With nothing else on your mind while you’re training, getting those gains has never been easier and you’ll look as sharp as you feel.
ENDURANCE: Train HARDER for LONGER. You won’t even notice the time ticking by in the gym!
BOOST: Think you’ve experienced high level energy and mood before? Think again! PING RIPPED delivers an experience like no other with its extended-release formula that keeps you feeling amazing long after other pre-workouts wear off.
METABOLISM: Want a metabolism that’s firing on all cylinders? PING RIPPED transforms your body’s ability to utilise fat for fuel to obliterate unwanted fat stores and move you closer to your dream physique.