Muscletech Nitro-Tech 10lb (Old Packaging)

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NITRO-TECH® is a scientifically engineered whey + isolate lean musclebuilder formula designed for all athletes who are looking for more muscle, more strength and better performance. NITRO-TECH® contains protein sourced primarily from whey protein peptides and whey isolate - two of the cleanest and purest protein sources available to athletes. Other whey protein supplements might have only a few grams of these highly bioavailable and easily digested proteins. NITRO-TECH® is also enhanced with the most studied form of creatine for even better gains in muscle and strength.

70% Better Than Regular Whey Protein for Gains in Lean Muscle

In a 6-week, double-blind study involving 36 test subjects with at least 3 years of weight training experience divided into 3 groups, subjects combining the core ingredients in NITRO-TECH® with a weight training program gained 70% more lean muscle than subjects using regular whey protein (8.8 vs. 5.1 lbs.) and increased their bench press more than subjects using regular whey protein (34 v. 14 lbs.). These same subjects even gained 4 times the lean muscle as subjects using a placebo (8.8 vs. 2.0 lbs.). This formula provides 30 g of protein from ultra-pure protein. Plus, it delivers a clinically proven dose of creatine.

Build More Strength Than Regular Whey Protein

Each scoop of NITRO-TECH® contains a research-proven dose (3 g) of creatine monohydrate. Combined in NITRO-TECH®, whey protein and creatine build more strength than regular whey protein. In one study, subjects using the whey/creatine combination in NITRO-TECH® increased their 1-rep max bench press by 34 lbs. compared to only 14 lbs. for subjects using regular whey protein.