Macro Mike Pre-Workout - Dated

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It's here…and it's 100% NATURAL! Macro Mike pre-workout is an invigorating blend of plant based amino acids, brain boosters, vitamins, creatine and plant derived natural caffeine in a controlled dose. It contains nothing artificial, and will give you no caffeine crashes – just focus, endurance, energy and performance delivered in a natural and effective blend that tastes great.


We’ve packed out pre-workout with plant derived essential and non-essential amino acids to help increase nitric oxide levels, blood flow and in turn increase muscle endurance, strength and resilience during exercise. Our pre-workout can also help reduce muscle fatigue and allow you to work harder for longer.


It’s not just muscles that need to be primed when working out. By helping to increase levels of neurotransmitters, dopamine, adrenaline and norepinephrine, our brain boosters can help to diffuse any negative effects from putting high levels of stress on the body during exercise. We’ve got your brain covered.


One of the most heavily researched and scientifically proven supplements, creatine can help improve strength, speed up muscle recovery and increase lean muscle mass when used in conjunction with exercise. Creatine can be extremely beneficial for speed, power and endurance.


Don’t think natural stimulants can work as well? We challenge you to give this a try (and do some research). Caffeine levels in these powerful natural stimulants are not to be scoffed at. They all derive from plants which produce naturally occurring caffeine and due to their natural form they also carry other beneficial nutrients and antioxidants.



  • Packed with plant derived essential and non-essential amino acids
  • Natural caffeine blend
  • Contains creatine to support exercise performance
  • Naturally flavoured and sweetened with stevia
  • Gut friendly